Published papers


Epistemology and science of science

Academic journals, incentives, and the quality of peer review: A model (with Kevin Zollman and Julián García). Philosophy of Science (2024). [published version]

Regulating Social Media as a Public Good: Limiting Epistemic Segregation. Social Epistemology (2023). [published version] [postprint]

Ethical theory and rational choice

Resolutions provide reasons or: “how the Cookie Monster quit cookies” (with Adam Bales). Synthese (2021). [published version]

Two of a kind: Are norms of honor a species of morality? (with John Thrasher). Biology and Philosophy [preprint] [published version]

Egalitarianism about expected utility. Ethics (2018). (Based on this blog post.)

Incommensurability and vagueness in spectrum arguments: Options for saving transitivity of betterness (with Wlodek Rabinowicz). Philosophical Studies. [preprint] [online first]

Essentially comparative value does not threaten transitivity. Thought: A Journal of Philosophy (2016)

Genealogical explanations of chance and morals. In Leibowitz & Sinclair (eds), Explanation in Ethics and Mathematics (OUP, 2016)

Rational choice and the transitivity of betterness. Philosophy and Phenomenological Research (2014)

Decision theory for agents with incomplete preferences (with Adam Bales and Daniel Cohen). Australasian Journal of Philosophy (2014)

Absent desires, Utilitas (2011)

Rational capacities, resolve, and weakness of will (with Daniel Cohen), Mind (2011)

Finking Frankfurt (with Daniel Cohen), Philosophical Studies (2007)

Social Science

Explaining costly religious practices: credibility enhancing displays and signaling theories (with C. Brusse and K. Zollman). Synthese (2022).

Asymmetry and symmetry of acts and omissions in punishment, norms, and judged causality (with J. Thrasher, A. Corcoran, and S. Nichols). Judgment and Decision Making (2021). [web] [pdf]

Awareness of ethical dilemmas enhances public support for the principle of saving more lives in the United States: a survey experiment based on ethical allocation of scarce ventilators (with B. Rai, L. C. Wang, S. Pandit, and C. K. So.). Social Science and Medicine (2021). [published version]

The evolution of the endowment effect. (with Frank Calegari and Justin Bruner) Evolution and Human Behavior (2020). [preprint]

The coevolution of sacred value and religion. Religion, Brain, and Behavior (2019).[open access pdf] [preprint]

Cooperation with bottom-up reputation dynamics (with Jason Xu and Julian García). AAMAS (2019).

Peer punishment promotes enforcement of bad social norms (with Klaus Abbink, Lata Gangadharan, and John Thrasher). Nature Communications (2017). [open access pdf]

Green beards and signaling: Why morality is not indispensable (with John Thrasher and Julián García), Behavioral and Brain Sciences (2018).

Honor and Violence: An Account of Feuds, Duels, and Honor Killings (with John Thrasher). Human Nature (2018). [preprint] [published]

Social & Political Philosophy, Applied Ethics

A good exit: What to do about the end of our species. Journal of Moral Philosophy (2018). [preprint] [published]

Climate change, cooperation, and moral bioenhancement (with Pei-hua Huang and Robert Simpson). Journal of Medical Ethics (2016) [preprint] [published]

Victims, vectors, and villains: Are those who opt out of vaccination morally responsible for the deaths of others? (with Zeb Jamrozik and Michael Selgelid). Journal of Medical Ethics (2016)

Humanitarian intervention and the modern state system (with Patrick Emerton). In Lazar & Frowe (eds), The Oxford Handbook of Ethics of War (OUP, 2015)

Understanding the political defensive privilege (with Patrick Emerton). In Fabre & Lazar (eds), The Morality of Defensive War (OUP, 2014)

Order and affray: Defensive privileges in warfare (with Patrick Emerton), Philosophy and Public Affairs (2009)

Is the risk–liability thesis compatible with negligence law? (with Trevor Pisciotta), Legal Theory (2005)

Nozick, prohibition, and no-fault motor insurance, Journal of Applied Philosophy (2003)

Metaphysics & Philosophy Of Science

Chance and context (with Alastair Wilson). In Wilson (ed), Chance and Temporal Asymmetry (OUP, 2014)

Dispositions, manifestations, and causal structure. In Marmodoro (ed), The Metaphysics of Powers (Routledge, 2010)

Laws of nature. In A Companion to Philosophy in Australia and New Zealand (2010)

The metaphysics of dispositions and causes. In Dispositions and Causes (OUP, 2009)

Humean Dispositionalism, Australasian Journal of Philosophy (2008)

Dispositions, Rules, and Finks (with Alexander Bird), Philosophical Studies (2008)

Unfinkable dispositions, Synthese (2008)

The metaphysics of causal models: Where’s the biff? (with Charles Twardy, Kevin Korb, and Graham Oppy), Erkenntnis (2008)

Armstrong and the modal inversion of dispositions. The Philosophical Quarterly (2005)

Lange on essentialism, counterfactuals, and explanation. Australasian Journal of Philosophy (2005)

Counterlegals and necessary laws. The Philosophical Quarterly (2004)

Dispositional essentialism and the possibility of a law-abiding miracle. The Philosophical Quarterly (2001)